Comparison of Human vs Artificial Intelligence Images
by Jeffrey Sward

As of 2024, "artificial intelligence" technology has become mainstream enough to be included in Adobe Photoshop via Creative Cloud. An artificial intelligence image is created by feeding text describing the new image into the artificial intelligence image generation software. The following chart shows a human image in the left column with the artificial intelligence generated image with the text used to generate the image in the right column.

  Human Image Artificial Intelligence Generated Image with Text
Nail-biting steel bridges hanging over the canopy. This magical, misty, and well-preserved cloud forest is a practically untouched paradise home to thousands of plant, animal, and bird species including the radiant quetza, visible from jungle paths.
Rocky cliffs left and right with gap in between. Forest dense and cool, sky cloudless and brilliant with sunshine, the broad lake glassy and clear. its circling border of mountain domes, clothed with forests, scarred with land-slides, cloven by canons and valleys, and helmeted with glittering snow. The view was always fascinating, bewitching, entrancing.
Concrete arch highway bridge left, ocean right, thick redwood forest, foggy canyons, and rocky cliffs tumbling into the ocean.

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